Second annual salt making workshop with SoFo Museum


With a storm looming over Road D in Southampton, our second SoFo x SSSS summer workshop went off without a hitch! Big thanks to all of the attendees! We made so many new friends and had some great questions. If you attended and made your own salt, please send us pictures! We look forward to seeing some of you at our next workshop on August 29th!!

Farmer's Market Success

Last weekend's farmer's market was a huge success!! It was great to finally meet some members of the WHB Chamber of Commerce and our neighboring vendors. Big thanks to our friends, fans, and family fobs stopping by! We look forward to seeing you all (and new faces) this weekend. Please stop by and try our sea salt texture hairspray for a beach-y look. Again, we are so grateful for all of the support so far, we are very lucky to have such an awesome locally-minded food community.

Grilled Cheese Social (Very late post)

Grilled Cheese Social (Very late post)

A very belated shout out to one of my early supporters: Kenzie Smith from Grilled Cheese Social!

Not one, but TWO Valentine's Days ago, she kindly included my salt in one of her outrageous recipes. I visit her website daily:

Follow her on instagram for some serious #foodporn @grilledcheesesocial

Thank you, Kenzie! <3